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Moving to a new country.

Removing the Drives:

Yes, it's generally a good idea to remove the drives from the NAS enclosure while it’s being packed and shipped. This reduces the risk of damage from potential shocks or vibrations during the move.
Reinstalling the Drives:

Even if you end up putting the drives back in a different order, Synology’s system should recognize them correctly and rebuild the array without any data loss. However, to avoid any complications and for your peace of mind, it’s a good practice to label each drive and return them to their original slots.
Tips for Safe Transportation:
Label Each Drive: Use a simple labeling system (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4) to mark the slots and the corresponding drives. This makes it easier to place them back in the same order.
Protect the Drives: Place each drive in an anti-static bag and cushion them well in the packing material to minimize movement and shock.
Secure the NAS: Pack the NAS enclosure separately, ensuring it is well-protected with ample padding in the moving boxes.

Messages In This Thread
Moving to a new country. - by ENQUIRIES - 07-04-2024, 10:35 AM
RE: Moving to a new country. - by ed - 07-04-2024, 12:24 PM

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