02-25-2021, 03:05 PM
Looks like you have all their hardware in place for the streaming side of things. All you need is only storage space. Qnap TR-002 could be an option. It features hardware RAID which always speeds things up. This would be a good choice for connecting it directly to your PC. But as you know you can not share your files over the internet with a DAS. Also turning your PC into something else would not be as easy as app install. Here are some ideas of what NAS can do: https://www.synology.com/en-uk/dsm/packagesIf you did decide to use NAS instead of DAS, then for storage space purpose only you could get a cheap NAS like DS220j r Qnap p series. No need for anything more expensive. Unless you decide to use if for anything else.I hope this helps.