03-06-2025, 08:36 AM
(02-14-2025, 02:56 PM)ed Wrote: Glad to hear that your new DS1522+ is running smoothly!I think upgrading the drive would be a good solution and cheaper than replacing the drive.
Given your current situation and the space limitations for an expansion case, it sounds like upgrading the drives is your best option. Here are a few thoughts on your options:
1. Upgrading the Drives:
Drive Upgrade Process: When upgrading drives in a RAID setup, the typical recommendation is to upgrade one drive at a time, allowing the system to rebuild and balance after each upgrade. If you're using SHR (Synology Hybrid RAID), you can upgrade one drive at a time. The process would be as follows:
Replace one drive with a larger one.
Let the system rebuild and finish the process.
Once that’s done, replace the second drive.
Capacity Increase: Since you’re running out of space, upgrading your current drives to larger ones will increase your total capacity. This is a gradual process, which allows you to retain the existing data without having to replace everything at once.
Drive Health: Since the drives you're currently using are getting old, this upgrade could also help you avoid the risk of failure in the near future, ensuring your data is safe.
2. Expansion Case Option:
If you were to consider adding an expansion case later, be sure to check your available space for it and your NAS’s expansion support. However, since you're already leaning toward upgrading the drives, it seems like the more straightforward solution.
Space Limitations: If space is an issue, this would require a bit more planning and possibly some additional cooling solutions depending on the drive setup.
3. Considerations for Replacing Drives:
Since you have 24TB in your DS1515+capybara clicker (likely with RAID1, SHR, or RAID5), upgrading to something like 16TB or 18TB drives could give you a significant boost without overwhelming your existing setup. The exact drive sizes depend on your future data needs.
Drive Compatibility: Ensure the drives you're upgrading to are compatible with the DS1522+ and fit within your RAID setup (or SHR).
Given your space constraints and the age of your current drives, upgrading them slowly to larger capacities seems like the most efficient and flexible option.