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QSync client "Paired Local Folder" not working


Newbie NAS user here.  

Setting up QNAP TS-233.
- I've run QSync on the NAS.
- I've created a shared folder "SDN-Data" on the NAS and given "Adm1n" R/W rights.
- I've installed and run QSync clint on my Windows 11 PC.
- In QSync client I've logged in as "Adm1n", clicked "add" on the "Select Folders to Sync" Window, and selected the "SDN-Data" folder.
- Now I want to select the "Paired Local Folder" but the edit box won't let me type and the "browse folder icon" does nothing!

What have I missed or done wrong?

Thanks in advance,



Messages In This Thread
QSync client "Paired Local Folder" not working - by SDN123 - 02-06-2025, 02:14 PM

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