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QNAP vs Asustor

This will be my first NAS but I don't want to have to buy another one for a long time or be bleh on the performance when editing video.

I'm on the fence between a Asustor Lockerstor 6 Gen 3 and the QNAP TVS-h674T-i5-32G-US. My primary use case is for video editing. I pull lots of 4k footage from phones and mirrorless cameras. Also, I have decades worth of files.

My primary machine is a MacBook Pro M3, and I have 2.5Gb fiber running straight to it through a 2.5gb switch. I don't know which of these NAS to choose. Don't really plan on doing any media streaming, but who knows, maybe in the future. The QNAP seems like overkill but on the other hand could mean plenty of room to grow. The Asustor seems adequate but while I've watched tons of reviews I still don't know enough to say it's adequate.

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QNAP vs Asustor - by ENQUIRIES - 5 hours ago

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