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replace old NAS for a DYU true nas scale

Hello from France.

I want to replace my too old synology ds213+ to truenas scale to store applications for home, and make a media stack + play with kubernetes.

i looked your video after first advices at work or from friends about u-NAS boxes, and i see your video about jonsbo N5 which is huge but seems really good to install (a long time i didn't build a homemade computer).

Budget would be limited (not the best period currently), then i'm thinking about a good base, even if maybe "small" at beginning, but i could increase later. At least disks and RAM (other parts must be in the base package).

the main apps
- media : will try jellyfish over plex i think (then a graphic gpu needed for transcoding ?), plus would try the radaar/sonaar things (seems a good multi app project to install
- i would try to transfert my huge dvd collection too (start to be damaged)
- HomeAssistant
- Home applications (wiki, traeffik, certmanager, dnsguard, game support tools, dashboard,....)

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replace old NAS for a DYU true nas scale - by ENQUIRIES - 07-03-2024, 09:35 AM

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