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Ugreen NAS wont ship or refund

Long time viewer and subscriber on youtube.
Loved your breakdowns of the Ugreen series as I was on the fence about Ugreen you convinced me that at least the hardware was worth it for the price.

I got in on the kickstarter and when it came time for fulfillment I was informed they would not ship FPO AE (military postal system) so i requested a refund.

I recieved a separate email from someone purporting to be from Ugreen requesting my Papyal details. This seems very scam like since I used my credit card on Kickstarter.

Do you have any points of contact at Ugree that could help since they have not responded to any of my emails.

This kickstarter campaign is seeming like a terrible idea for an established company and has soured me on the whole Ugreen line.
Thank you for reaching out and for your support as a long-time viewer! It's unfortunate to hear about the issues you've encountered with Ugreen's Kickstarter campaign. The situation you described regarding shipping limitations to FPO AE and the subsequent refund request seems frustrating. Regarding the email asking for PayPal details, it's crucial to approach such requests with caution, especially when you initially backed the project with a credit card through Kickstarter.

Since Ugreen hasn't responded to your emails, I recommend reaching out to their official support directly using the contact form on their website: Ugreen Contact Us. They should be able to provide you with the necessary assistance to resolve your refund and shipping concerns.

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