4 hours ago
Is my device bricked, and how can I go about getting it functioning again?
I was going through a reply to my previous query about connecting a UPS to both my TOS 6.0.577 NAS and PC (thanks for the VERY quick answer previously!) and wanted to reset the system configuration to redo the initial admin account, so I backed up my settings before instructing the NAS to reset its system configuration.
After the 5-minute countdown, it restarts and the front lights are on/active, but there's no network activity coming from the back lights or my network switch after it's done starting up. TNAS Finder can no longer locate my NAS, and I can't access or do anything with it otherwise besides power it down again. I powered it down and up again several times, and there's initial network activity (green/orange lights) before it just dies and sits there.
Is my device bricked, and how can I go about getting it functioning again?
I was going through a reply to my previous query about connecting a UPS to both my TOS 6.0.577 NAS and PC (thanks for the VERY quick answer previously!) and wanted to reset the system configuration to redo the initial admin account, so I backed up my settings before instructing the NAS to reset its system configuration.
After the 5-minute countdown, it restarts and the front lights are on/active, but there's no network activity coming from the back lights or my network switch after it's done starting up. TNAS Finder can no longer locate my NAS, and I can't access or do anything with it otherwise besides power it down again. I powered it down and up again several times, and there's initial network activity (green/orange lights) before it just dies and sits there.