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I run a 1621+ with 4x10TB and 2x12TB drives, but I'm running out of space. I watched a video on your channel about a 500TB drive. I couldn't find it again, and I'm beginning to think I imagined it. I don't want to have to buy a Synology expansion module, as I don't have the room, so what's the biggest drive my 1620 can take? Thanks again
Thanks for reaching out! It sounds like you’ve got a solid setup with your DS1621+ and those large drives. Don’t worry—you didn’t imagine the mention of massive storage capacities. While there isn't a 500TB drive available (at least not yet!), there are some options for expanding your storage without needing to add an expansion module.

Maximum Drive Capacity for DS1621+
The Synology DS1621+ can currently support individual drives up to 22TB in size. So, if you’re looking to maximize your storage without adding more bays, you could consider upgrading your existing drives to these larger 22TB drives.

Your Upgrade Options:
Replace Your Current Drives:

Start by upgrading your 10TB and 12TB drives to 22TB drives. This could significantly increase your total storage capacity without needing additional hardware.
Important Note: If you’re upgrading drives in a RAID setup, make sure to replace them one at a time, allowing the RAID to rebuild each time before replacing the next drive. This ensures you don’t lose any data during the process.
Consider Drive Shuffling:

If replacing all drives at once isn’t feasible, you could gradually replace your 10TB drives with 22TB ones, depending on your budget and storage needs.

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