Full Version: Video Surveillance NAS Recommendations
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Our church is wanting to put up some cameras just to capture the entrances and see who's coming and going. We will most likely go with 4 cameras and our facility covers quite a bit of square footage between 2 buildings, so running home runs to an NVR is just straight out of the question. Which leads me to NAS. I am a complete novice to anything NAS related. I don't know what makes a NAS good, what makes it bad, or how to set one up (although I'm sure it's easier that I have it built up to be in my head).

This NAS will live at our network head-end location, so right next to our router and our best switch. We don't currently have a high network demand for other traffic, so 4 cameras won't cause any noticeable congestion. My primary inquiry is this: We'd like to record based on motion detection and having a NAS that can do that is very important. How do I shop for a NAS that has this feature? What should I be looking for in the spec sheets? Is there a NAS out there that can setup boundaries for the motion detection area similar to what a Ring or Nest cam can do? And what cameras should I pair with this NAS? How much storage should I get if we want to keep footage for 30 days @ 10fps, 1920x1080?

Target budget would be close to 1500 USD.

Thanks so much for your time and assistance!