Full Version: Drive tray stuck
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I have just purchased a new DS1522+ and prior to permanently setting it up was running through various tutorials. I removed a drive tray and drive to simulate a drive failure intending to check the process through. This is when things went wrong.

Having removed the drive from the tray I pushed the tray back in but had not refitted the drive securing strips, the drive tray went too far in and it now firmly stuck. I can now see drive securing strips hit a couple of raised lugs in the back of the DS to stop this happening.

Has anyone else been this daft and sorted it out. I guess I can probably cut through the tray and release it but that is far from my plan.

Any good ideas welcomed, I don't need beating up about this, I have already beat myself up enough.

If you switch the NAS off and remove the other drives, can you not get access to the end of the tray and remove it that way ?