Remote backup NAS can't connect to local NAS - Printable Version

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Remote backup NAS can't connect to local NAS - Enquiries - 10-26-2024

Hi. I enjoy your YouTube channel very much, and based on your advice on the channel, I bought two QNAP NASes. I bought a TS-453D, and later a TVS-h674. I put the TS-453D in a remote location and installed the upgraded TVS-h674 into my home office. I also have two TR-004 extension NASes on each NAS.

I put much of my archived material from years before on the connected TR-004 NASes. They were plugged into an old UPS. Unfortunately, the old UPS didn't work properly and suddenly cut electricity to the TR-004 extension NASes.

Fortunately, the main TVS-h674 was plugged into a more robust UPS, so the electricity didn't cut on that one suddenly. Also, fortunately, I have a full backup of my archived material on the backup 453. However, QNAP's HYbrid Backup Sync cannot connect the backup NAS to the remote NAS. QNAP's technical support people remotely connected to both my NASes. They said that the problem was that port 8899 wasn't open on my local network. I opened the port, but nothing.