Full Version: NAS in a country with 3-4 hour power cuts
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I live in Indonesia, and there are occasionally 3-4 hour power cuts. I am using an ASUS NAS with 62W power draw. I know that UPS typically aren't supposed to power things for hours, but could I buy a powerful UPS that could power my 62W NAS (lets say 120W for the calculation) for up to 4 hours. Recommended APC model?
Living in a place with frequent 3-4 hour power cuts can be a real challenge when it comes to keeping your NAS up and running. A UPS is indeed a good solution, but you'll need a robust one to meet your needs. To power a 62W NAS for up to 4 hours, you'd require a UPS with a considerable capacity. I recommend looking at the APC Smart-UPS series. Specifically, the APC Smart-UPS 1500VA should provide sufficient power to keep your NAS running during these power outages. It's always a good idea to oversize the UPS a bit to ensure you have ample backup power. Just make sure to calculate the exact power requirements for all your devices, including the NAS, and choose a UPS that can handle the load.