Full Version: Exos 16 TB or IW 16 TB for Syn 220+
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Transitioning from my two bus-powered 2 TB and 4 TB WD drives, unfortunately, with my new LG C2 4K etc, I needed more and was happily given a Synolygy Nas 220+ with already one bay already filled with an IW 4 TB drive. I was quite convinced about your 'EXOS vs IW vs WD' to go for the (€100 cheaper!) EXOS over the IW Pro 16 TB. Is it a good idea, though, to put two 'different' drives together, even concerning storage?)
Goal 1: storage of my now ~5TB of video + ~1TB of TimeMachine backup. (Hence, redundancy is not high on my list, since I won't delete the old drives.) Also, I rent 1 room inclusive so power consumption doesn't matter, and the diff in sound between them seems low enough.
Goal 2: connection the NAS (along with all its video content, of course) to my LG Evo C2 (48" 2160p 120 Hz, (but no gamer!)). Been transcoding some with HandBrake and AV1 works on it with pretty low presets.


Thanks in advance!
Thank you for your question about transitioning to larger drives for your Synology NAS 220+. Considering your goals, it's indeed possible to use a different drive in the second bay. In this configuration, the second drive would operate in basic mode as an individual volume. If you're interested in merging their capacities, you could set up JBOD (Just a Bunch of Disks) mode, allowing the drives to provide combined storage while still functioning independently. This approach aligns well with your storage needs and your intention to keep the older drives without high redundancy requirements. Additionally, since you're focused on video content and backup, the EXOS 16 TB drive appears to be a reasonable choice, especially given its cost advantage. Feel free to proceed with this setup for your desired storage and transcoding purposes.