Full Version: Transcoding Plex server
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Good morning from france,

I'm contacting you because I have a problem that I can't solve.
I currently use a SYNOLOGY DS923+ NAS with plex installed and my library, an Apple TV 4k 2021 and a 4K Oled TV.
I would like the transcoding not to be done on the server side but on the client side (Apple TV) to take full advantage of the 4K quality. I noticed that there was an option in the Plex account but it doesn't work when I enable or disable it. When I launch a good quality 4k movie (50GB) I get an error message that the server is not powerful enough. I don't have a plex subscription, what advice would you have?

Thank you in advance

Looks like Apple TV do not support those videos you have. So even if you disable transcoding on a NAS it still gets transcoded. Maybe try converting those videos into h264 MOV / MP4 and check which ones will work. Apple TV will not do transcoding on player end.