Full Version: Drive replacement in DS923+
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I have a 4 bay NAS of 8TB/each. They are all Healthy and in good working status. I'd like to upgrade/change one HD for a 20TB. I tried to follow Synology instructions but I'm hesitant to do it since I don't have the options in my NAS that Synology expects. I just need to swap one drive. I tried the unorthodox style - shutting down DS923+ and removing it manually. I didn't get far. NAS doesn't like it. So I put the old drive back and its now running as before and back to square one. Could you kindly walk me how to replace my 8TB for a 20TB? I will greatly appreciate your help.
Fidel Ventocilla
Yes, you. Here is how
You can also check how capacity changes with new drive here