Full Version: Back up task for folder on iPhone
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Hey guys,

I just got my first NAS (DS220+) and I'm still getting a bit familiar with it.
There's loads of info on how to back up files from a PC or MAC to the NAS, but I'm struggling to find good info on how to back up files from my iPhone.

Specifically I want to back up a single folder on my iPhone into my NAS. I'd like to have this backed up automatically whenever there is a change in this iPhone folder.

On my MAC I have done this through Drive Client by setting up a back-up task. However I can't find this option on my iPhone app.

Do you guys have any idea how to set up an automatic back up for this folder?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

With Drive Mobile app, it will create a single Synology folder where you can place your files into. This folder will be synced all the time. Folder can not be changed to other location.