Full Version: Synology on myfi
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Thanks a million for all your incredibly informative YT videos.
I'm just about to by myself synology 923+ I want one good system for storing my photos and videos.
I'm a photographer amateur.

My question is if I would be able to run the synology on myfi only. In my house this was the best option as WiFi was slow.
Also possibly I'll be moving back to Poland so didn't want long broadband contract.

I understand that to set up synology i need to connect it via cable to a router...
I can do that taking my laptop to my work where I've got a WiFi...
Will i be able then after to bring it back and use it only on the mobile (myfi) with my PC? Or contacted to my PC via Ethernet?

I'm sorry this is all completed and I hope that this all make sense what I'm trying to ask for.

I wish you all the best and thank you in advance.

Yes, as long as you use DHCP issues IP, you can simply move it around.