Full Version: Ds220j or Ds223
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Hi, I watched in the last view days so many of your videos. Thank you for creating them.... I bought in 2013 a drobo 5n2 I never spent much time and only used it as storage (I am embarrassed). Now looking for an entry (testing) to backup the drobo and venture into NAS . I am looking at a start to learn and expand my experience. I wanted to get the cheapest Synology NAS which gives me room to do that while being able to let my family and me discover features of NAS (music, file share, video, external access, .... ) So simple features as a start. Appreciate if you could help and advise what would be the best for us to buy. Thanks Mathias
The J series NAS only has 512MB of memory. This is OK for file storage and backups. But if you want to explore what NAS can do you need at least 1GB memory

Also if you do not want any limits on apps you can install then DS220+ is the best option.