Full Version: QNAP OS on N5105 MOBO
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Hey Robbie, Eddie

Have an unusual question and one you may want to explore for future video.

Let's say someone has a NAS, I have several, both QNAP and Synology, but let's use example of QNAP TS-853U (Large space for motherboard and PSU). There is a USB OS drive plugged in and hot glued in place. Let's say for some reason in the future the motherboard dies, am I able to replace the mobo with the likes of ones from Ali express N5105, and use the original USB OS stick in them?

If the motherboard dies, you will find it cheaper to purchase a replacement NAS then fixing the existing one. The QTS SSD is not removable.
But you can slide those drives into another Qnap (even a different model) and you can boot and continue where you left off.