Full Version: Single Deduplicated File set
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Hi Guys - I am a big fan of the channel so first off, thanks.

I need to focus on one thing. Absolute reliable single-copy backup but NOT propagating thousands of duplicate files and folders. Only the files I want to keep and having certainty that I can continually reference those file on stable URLs.

The question is about EASE and CONSISTENCY of good quality de-duplication. Which software (if Synology DS1522+) or I would switch to another make if it did better de-dupe. I hope to use a MacOSX on an M2 MacMini Pro with a 10G Ethernet link to the NAS. Many thanks. Ed
Thank you for your question. For reliable single-copy backup with good quality de-duplication, I recommend using a backup software that supports block-level deduplication, such as Acronis True Image or Veeam Backup & Replication.

Synology's own backup solution, Hyper Backup, also supports deduplication and compression, but it may not be as effective as dedicated backup software. However, if you're using a Synology NAS, Hyper Backup is a convenient and easy-to-use option.

When it comes to MacOSX, both Acronis and Veeam have Mac-compatible versions of their software. As for your 10G Ethernet link to the NAS, that should provide plenty of bandwidth for fast backup and restore speeds.

Overall, I recommend doing some research and testing to find the backup software that works best for your needs. Consider factors such as ease of use, features, and deduplication effectiveness.