Full Version: Files Becoming 0KB
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, I Hope you are doing great! I have a big issue with my NAS DS1522+
DSM 7.1.1-42962


15 users Work directly on Synology -They are graphic designers.

I Connected 2 Synology as HAV Cluster and start force the users to work on Synology 3 months back and everything run smoothly and fast with no issues.

Issue: since 2-month files start becoming 0KB as size files like adobe illustrators adobe photoshop
For example one of the users was working on this file yesterday today he told me I can’t open the file due error Can't open the illustration. The file is locked or in use.
ID: -54

I checked directly on Synology and the file is 0KB this is start really scare me because this is our job and our efforts.

I contacted Synology support and he suggested running a deep scan for the disk (health check), and I don’t believe this will do anything only waste time and performance And can you imagine how much time this will take for 42 TB Disks

So, please help, I’m ready to give you a
You will need to contact Adobe about collaboration on a NAS. It seems like each user locks the files and therefore causes issues.