Full Version: Connect a sonOff Zigbee3.0 dongle to my Asustor AS1102T
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First of all, thanks to you for your quality videos ! I didn't have a big budget, and you made it quite easy to choose a NAS after all.

As mentionned in my title, I've bought the Asustor AS1102T, which works fine (I'm only using it as a cloud storage right now).
I am looking to connect/install/configure my SonOff Zigbee3.0 dongle so I can use HomeAssistant to manage my connected devices, but it seems my NAS can't recognize it. Any idea on how to do that ?
Thanks, and best regards,

Unfortunately, the Asustor AS1102T does not support installing a Zigbee3.0 dongle for use with HomeAssistant. It's a budget-friendly NAS device that does not have the hardware capabilities to run a smart home hub or integrate with Zigbee devices. To use HomeAssistant with your SonOff Zigbee3.0 dongle, you may need to use a different device as the host, such as a Raspberry Pi or a dedicated smart home hub.