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Currently have a number of USB drives 10TB each and looking at consolidating everything providing backup and redundancy. I’m a photographer so have need to store and access I use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop . At the moment I don’t fully backup my Windows 10 (resisted upgrading to Win11) but user data I do. Would be useful to access photos or media from other devices

Watched your videos seen the Synology 1522+ but doing some checking around before I decide.

Look forward to hearing from you
For your requirements as a photographer who uses Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, the Synology 1522+ can be a good option to consider. It allows you to consolidate all your data, providing backup and redundancy, and access your photos or media from other devices. The Synology 1522+ is a powerful NAS that can handle your storage needs and provide reliable performance.