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Not looking for "How to steps", just need some input on what you think the best approach would be.
Client wants a "Drop Box" functionality so he can upload photo's to the drop box so customers can access them. The NAS choices are an old DS115j or a DS718+. The DS718+ is used for nightly PC image backups for 20 PC's.

The NAS will sit behind a firewall (pfSense). I presently have the DS115j configured with an account that can be accessed by anyone provided the link and they can view and download the images but do not have any write rights or access to any other NAS options/functions. When the user logs in, he see's the "Files" folder and can navigate thru that to see other photo folders.

On the administration side, the owner has his own admin account and I have the synology Drive installed on his PC as well as having a mapped drive to the NAS so they can just drag 'n drop folders and photo's.

It works but are you aware of a better method that I'm mising?

Yes, Synology Drive will be the best option. All files will be synced once placed in this folder. Synology also allows Team folder for collaboration.
The other option would be using Tailscale VPN and mapped drives via tunnel.

I hope this helps.