Full Version: VLAN issue with RT-6600AX / firewall logs
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Hi guys, recently bought at RT-6600AX after seeing your review. I set up a VLAN for IoT, but I'm having trouble using my TV (Panasonic GZ1000) on it. It works fine on my primary lan, but errors Gateway not Responding when on the IoT VLAN. Every other device I've tried on the VLAN works. I've not been able to find anything obvious that might cause this, and I'm a bit stuck. Having gone around SRM looking, are there firewall logs? It would be great to see what exactly is happening in terms of traffic to and from the TV.
Many thanks!
You could try and disable Firewall or anything else such as filters on SRM. Maybe that helps to discover the issue. Maybe even swap LAN ports you connect TV to.

If you want to see Logs you can open Log Center app. Or go to Safe Access app and open Activity tab.