Full Version: SYNOLOGY DS723+ or QNAP-264-8G
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I strongly hesitate between the DS723+ and the QNAP TYS264-8G. Apart from the file service, I would like to use it as a hypervisor to run some VMs. I know that SYNO like QNAP allows virtualization.
I'm leaning more towards synology only for the memory which allows me to go up to 32GB
On the other hand, there is no way I would pay for 32 GB of Synology RAM. It's too expensive.
I would like 2x16Gb of compatible RAM (sold on Amazon for exemple) It is ECC DDR4 SODIM RAM. But I can't find anything about it yet and I'm afraid I'm wrong

What do you think about my project

PS: sorry for my english
Yes, you can use any of these models to back up VM or run them. Synology software might be more reliable and easy to use.
Here is community shared compatible RAM

I hope this helps.