Full Version: qnap ts-233 or synology ds220+
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i wrote to you, got a response but i could not reply your forum unresponsive
i have homed in on these two but i cannot decide
as much as you review and cannot push one device in preference to another
i you had the choice of one of these two
what would you both go for out the two
before i asked about qnap but your response only mentioned 220+

should i stay away from the qnap
i know synology has best software

so confused


DS220+ is a Celeron-based model which is more powerful and future-proof thanks to upgrades and software support.
ts-233 is a budget Realtek-based NAS that is limited in what it can do.
DS220+ will perform better on Plex. It will also allow virtual machines, snapshots and more backup apps.

I hope this helps.