Full Version: Suspicious connection
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Good afternoon. I just got a notification from my router's software that a suspicious connection was detected and blocked on my Synology NAS. Any suggestions on what to do next? I've almost got a set it and forget it attitude for my NAS. I'm going in now and changing the password for the "admin" account for sure and maybe all the others, all 3. Then I'll look around on the NAS where it shows logins or attempted logins, see if there's anything unusual.

Thanks for aby help.
do not have the generic 'admin' account activated ... make another account as 'admin' and disable the generic 'admin' ...
It is good it was blocked. You have a good router. Normally servers get hundreds of attempts to log into someone system on daily bases. This why you need to secure admin level accounts with strong password and two step auth. Use non admin account for daily access.

I hope this helps.