Full Version: SHR-2 with 3 drives
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Goal: 4x 16TB in SHR-2 = 32TB storage. Already 1x 16TB (ST16000NM001G) running. Budget, so I'd like to use that drive in SHR-2, and retain all data on nthat drive. Same drives still available.

Step 1: 3x 16TB in SHR-2. Step 2: copy current drive to SHR-2. Step 3: delete current drive. Step 4: scaling to 4 drives with current drive. Or ...
Step 1: 3x 16TB in SHR. Step 2: copy current drive to SHR-2. Step 3: switch form SHR to SHR-2. Step 4: delete current drive. Step 5: scaling to 4 drives with current drive.
Can I use my current ST16000NM001G together with 3x ST16000NM002G ?
Yes, you can use these drives in the same RAID. Both are CMR type of drives

You can only switch to SHR2 if you have 4 drives

You could technically remove the drive and set up a NAS with 3 other drives. Then connect removed drive via USB docking station to copy data back.

Otherwise, you can simply go to storage manager and expand from single drive to 4 drives.
Add Drives to Expand the Storage Pool Capacity | DSM - Synology Knowledge Center

I hope this helps.