Full Version: Migrate ds209 (SHR, ext4, 2x 4Tb) to ds920 (SHR, btrfs, no drives)
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The ds209 still works perfectly already for 13 years on DSM 4.2. Changed to 2x Western Digital Red WD40EFRX 4TB three years ago.
Now I want to migrate to ds920 AND also from ext4 file system to btrfs.
Do you advise to buy new drives for the ds920? Or can I swap the old drives without loss of data?
Thank you very much for your answer.
Normally you could migrate drives if you run the same DSM.
In this case you may need to use hyper backup or migration assistant
If you want to keep those drives, you could move one drive at a time if it is in RAID1 mode.

I hope this helps.