Full Version: I've bought 2 85inch $k samsung tvs and now want to use a Nas for movies
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I have over 1300 CD's and probably over 100 DVD's.

we've recently purchased a second 85"screen 4K TV.

we want to be able to watch movies and maybe be able to watch them on our tablets one thing I would love to try would be to share my collection with my family so having 1 that can allow me to connect and share over the Internet would be spectacular.

I also would be very happy to look at building a NAS myself I have a X570 Asus board. I also have a case.

Is this something that would make more sense? Im down with building it myself.

OOOOPs, I got sent to this link from your video where i liked and subscribed....and i hit send before looking at the rest of your site, so now I'm researching there, sorry I'll go away now....
DVD movies are usually in HD quality. Blueray would be in 4K.
Either way, ds920+ would be a great choice. You can even start with 2 hard drives inside. You can then have room for expansion.
Synology mobiles and TV apps will make it easy to backups and access your media on the go.
Building your own NAS is also an option when the budget is tight. Otherwise, the maintenance hassle is not worth it.

I hope this helps.