Full Version: Getting a NAS, I think...
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Hi Rob,
I'm very grateful for your YouTube videos explaining NAS, even though I know next to nothing about the processes you describe. If I could wave a magic wand, I'd like to schedule a Zoom call or something equivalent, for a discussion.
1. I would like to explain my current storage setup and usage, and why I am looking to get into NAS.
2. I'd like you to explain what option(s) would best suit my needs going forward. Models, memory, cache, RAID, etc. For no good reason and out of complete ignorance, I think Synology might offer the best solution.
3. I'd like to narrow my options down to a single device model, along with your advice for the best hard drives to use.
4. I would then like to purchase the hardware and get on another Zoom call with you to take me through the hardware and software setup, and actually get the thing successfully backing up my data.

Please let me know what these 2 consultations would cost, and possible scheduling times.

Thanks so much,
Jerry Weber
I think it would be money well spent.