Full Version: Good NAS for home backups and Plex?
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Hello, I am searching for an 2 bay NAS what will be able to transcode at least 1080p h265 (at normal streaming bitrates) into my 1080p TV with an Plex client on it. Second use case will be just occasional backups of important photos/videos with automatic sync task into cloud storage. So it is at max 3 tasks that I need to run together without Plex lagging. Can I get something like that for that money? Or I need something more pricey?
If your TV is located in the same network, you do not need transcoding. You can easily stream the original file.
With 250$ budget you could get DS218play or maybe used DS218+. This NAS will also allow video transcoding via a native video app, if you need access remotely too.
Synology have great apps for mobile and computer backups. Also, cloud sync is possible.

I hope this helps.