Full Version: Best 4 bay NAS for Plex
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Hi, I'm getting confused by all the new offerings from QNAP and the upcoming Synology drives. I'm looking for the best 4 bay for Plex to handle a bunch of 1080p films and maybe even the odd 4k one. Ideally with enough punch to transcode. Is there one you'd recommend with this in mind, please?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Yes, new models can be confusing.
As of today, the best Plex NAS are TVS-472XT and TVS-873A + GPU card. This can handle most of the media.
Then ds920+ and TS-464 can handle all 4K and some of the smaller 4k files.
For local-only streaming, you can get away with ds420j or DS418.

I hope this helps.