Full Version: QTS / vs QUTS Hero / SSD Caching
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Hi Team, love your work! Quick question. I moving from a Drobo DAS to a NAS for my photo and video work. I've got about 18TB stored at the moment. I hate dicking around with storage so I've sunk some money to make sure I have enough to cover me for at least four years and to get the functionality of NAS. I've gone fo a TVS-872XT with 5 x 16TB drives. I it backed up locally to another DAS raid and I have backblaze cloud backup as well. I was intending to use RAID 5.


- Other than the limitations on adding another disk without rebuilding the whole array is there any good reason why I wouldn't set it up with QUTS Hero in RaidZ1?
- For photo and video work is it worth using SSD caching in ZFS?


Qnap TVS-872XT is a very good choice. It can handle pretty much anything.
Quts Hero is a VERY resource-demanding OS. People only choose it because they need ZFS file system. When you run virtual machines or web servers, the reliability of service is very important. ZFS + ACC RAM is a smart choice. But for home use, this might result in worse performance since there is a fewer CPU/RAM resources available. But you can always add more RAM.
SSD cache can be useful for video editing. Especially if you have a team accessing similar data. As a single user this might not be as useful.
I hope this helps.