Full Version: Nas to Nas Security Advantage
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First, thanks for your webinar on Nas security.

I currently have the Synology DS418 with 4 4TB drives. Since I have shares to my office windows computers, I understand that my entire storage is vunderable to ransomware attack.

My question is, if I setup a 2nd NAS in the same network or at a another location and setup Hyper Backup to backup to the remote Nas, will this isolate that permanent connection from a randomware encryption infecting the remote nas?

Thanks in advance for your advice.
Apologies for the slow reply buddy - Eddie (the Web Guy) covers ASKNC much more than me, whilst I make vids and articles etc. However, he is on a long, LONG overdue holiday this week and I am filling in as much as I can. If you use the encrypted transmission options and credential policies in creating an Rsync job, then yes (ensuring you do not use repeat credentials and block policies). However, in theory your initial NAS> Shared drives setup should be safe, as you can heavily restrict the access policies on those individual machines (different user access credentials, file version retention policies, fixed IPs, disabling anything for those accounts that even approaches SSH or Telnet, limit admin authorities etc). Hope this helps mate.