Full Version: 8-Bay NAS
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I am considering which 8-bay NAS solution I should go for for my Plex Server. I'm only really considering QNAP for its superior hardware. I have dismissed the 'TS 872XT' due to the reports of QA issues with the motherboard. This has me now looking at the 'TS-873A' and adding a 'MSI GTX 1650 4G'. However, I'm not sure if this CPU is too weak given my use case, and that I should instead and get the 'TVS-h1288X' and add the 'GTX 1050 Ti 4G'. Given the price difference of £1,500, I would like to know if its necessary to get the 'TVS-h1288X' for its stronger CPU please.

My typical use case all occurring simultaneously:
- 2 4K direct play/streams , each 30Mb/s
- 8 transcodes from 4K 30Mb/s to 720p 4Mb/s