Full Version: Multi Media NAS - Selection?
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Hi, great YouTube videos!!
Which NAS? - Been looking at the Synology DS218, basically it will be mainly used for music files and pictures, maybe the odd 4K video clips, to my AVR / TV. i.e. multi media.
I like the feature of copying straight from a USB for ease.
I want something that will not grind to a hault because of low RAM .
Also it will be connected to a SkyQ Router not sure if that could be problematic?
Thanks in advance Rach.
Thank you for your support, this keeps us going.DS218 is a limited edition NAS with many apps not being available and no RAM upgrades. Older DS218+ or newer DS220+ would be a choice with no limits.Even if you go for non-plus model you will have no problems with functions you want to use. You can automate computer and mobile backups. You can mount a network drive and enable Dropbox-like cloud service, just better.You can organise photos with AI bot built-in, and easily stream even 4K to a compatible TVs.Synology is a good choice, you will get good quality apps for multimedia and backups. No need for third-party apps and frustration.I hope this helps.