Full Version: QNAP - ASSET UPNP & TWONKY ?
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Firstly I'd like to say I'm a big fan of your videos and easy tutorials.
Id like some advice on the below if your able to help please?
I have a qnap nas 453mini 4 bay currently with 2x 6Tb in raid1.
Im mainly using it for music storage from my CD collection, all ripped in FLAC.

I listen to it streaming off a Cambridge CXN streamer and will only read files when Twonky is enabled on the qnap. But I recently discovered another type from a company called dbpoweramp. They have one called Asset UPnP (DLNA compatible. I've downloaded a trial but really in Two minds what to use. From your knowledge are you able to tell me whats best for me to use? Hope the above is clear enough ? thank you
Yes, all DLNA compatible streamers will require this protocol to be also enabled on a NAS.Here is how to enable it on a Qnap that is done, your NAS shared media should be discoverable in your local network including your TVs and streamers.I hope this helps.