Full Version: How quiet is the WD140EFFX (WD Red Plus 14TB)?
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I currently use 8 x WD30EFRX (WD Red 3TB CMR) from circa 2012. They are whisper quiet in my DS1812+ and - even during data scrubbing and high load - the noise isn't intrusive at all in my office.
I'm looking to get a new 8bay Synology NAS (either DS1819+ or DS1821+) and would like it to be similarly quiet if possible... so I'm wondering if the newer, giant-capacity drives are still as quiet?
I've heard the Seagate IronWolfs are both noisier and harsher in sound/tone, especially under load, so I'm avoiding those (but happy to be corrected if I've got heard wrong about them, of course).