Full Version: A Netflix On Qnap NAS?
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I’m going to buy QNAP TS-251B-8G and I need advice if there will be possible to run Netflix somehow? I know there is possible to use chrome, and open netflix page, but I don’t know if this hardware will be enough efficient to play movie on it?
Yes, you can download Netflix for Qnap here . This will be a wrapper version, but you can still use it.You can also install it on a KODI if you have a HDMI port: can also get a QNAP TAS-168 or TAS-268 which features dual OS (Android and Qnap). This will allow you to install Netflix as an app just like on the phone.Products from Remote IR003 °FÃ1/4r TAS 66/TAS 268Price: £18.42