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List of WD hard drives:

List of NAS from various brands

I recently bought an USB hard drive from Western Digital, I have some external drives at home all of them between 1 and 6 TBs of capacity, I was thinking about buying a NAS drive and I have options from Synology and WD and a full list of NAS hard drives, my idea was to buy a WD NAS with the hard drives on it or buy the hard drives apart and install these and I came across this issue about WDDA and the 3 year warning, people not recommending WD, etc..

Should I be worried about if I buy WD if I disable WDDA? Can I buy WD stuff or do you recommend just Synology?spaon
WDDA feature is disabled on the new DSM. It is just a suggestion notification really badly interpreted. Nothing wrong with WD.